The lack of a co-op and LAN mode make it a little more difficult to get in and play with your friends exclusively. This helps keep someone from feeling overwhelmed while they try to get their bearings in a new play structure. Fortunately, this is mitigated by the server structure, where a few of the play locations are restricted to un-ranked and new players. Someone new to online FPS gaming might have a little trouble getting acclimated at first. It took me a solid month of playing individually before I ventured out into the real world with other players.
When I first started playing Battlefield 2 (my first real combat FPS after Counter Strike, which I hadn’t played in a few years at that time), I spent many hours in the single-player mode learning the ropes of the game, how to get around maps, how to work the vehicles, etc. The aforementioned lack of a single-player mode. This freedom does, however, carry with it a few burdens. Additionally, Combat Arms does not (at this time) maintain single-player, co-op, or LAN modes. The main difference is that the Combat Arms client is also free, where the others all maintain a price. Just like the Battlefield series, Call of Duty, and all the others.
There are plenty of similarities between Combat Arms and its non-free cousins: You install a game client, register your account, and play on servers which provide different game modes and maps for free.

I played for more than 3 months before I came across my first hacker. Additionally, it seemed that their anti-hacking measures (HackShield) were doing a fantastic job.

New maps, additional character updates, new weapons, and more. As time went on, the experience only got better. From the first time I signed on and joined battle, I was impressed with the attention to detail and almost utter lack of flaws (glitches, slowdowns, etc). I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. Now, the first thing that came to mind when I first heard about Combat Arms was simple: Well, if it’s free, it’s probably not very good. That’s right, Combat Arms is completely, totally, 100% free. The real kicker that got people into the Combat Arms community was one little word “Free”. In the beginning, things were basic: A couple of maps, limited characters, and a base set of weapons. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.Nearly a year ago, a little Korean gaming company called Nexon created a new FPS game with one intent: make it awesome, and free.
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