Combat arms player search
Combat arms player search


The lack of a co-op and LAN mode make it a little more difficult to get in and play with your friends exclusively. This helps keep someone from feeling overwhelmed while they try to get their bearings in a new play structure. Fortunately, this is mitigated by the server structure, where a few of the play locations are restricted to un-ranked and new players. Someone new to online FPS gaming might have a little trouble getting acclimated at first. It took me a solid month of playing individually before I ventured out into the real world with other players.


When I first started playing Battlefield 2 (my first real combat FPS after Counter Strike, which I hadn’t played in a few years at that time), I spent many hours in the single-player mode learning the ropes of the game, how to get around maps, how to work the vehicles, etc. The aforementioned lack of a single-player mode. This freedom does, however, carry with it a few burdens. Additionally, Combat Arms does not (at this time) maintain single-player, co-op, or LAN modes. The main difference is that the Combat Arms client is also free, where the others all maintain a price. Just like the Battlefield series, Call of Duty, and all the others.


There are plenty of similarities between Combat Arms and its non-free cousins: You install a game client, register your account, and play on servers which provide different game modes and maps for free.

combat arms player search

I played for more than 3 months before I came across my first hacker. Additionally, it seemed that their anti-hacking measures (HackShield) were doing a fantastic job.

combat arms player search combat arms player search

New maps, additional character updates, new weapons, and more. As time went on, the experience only got better. From the first time I signed on and joined battle, I was impressed with the attention to detail and almost utter lack of flaws (glitches, slowdowns, etc). I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least. Now, the first thing that came to mind when I first heard about Combat Arms was simple: Well, if it’s free, it’s probably not very good. That’s right, Combat Arms is completely, totally, 100% free. The real kicker that got people into the Combat Arms community was one little word “Free”. In the beginning, things were basic: A couple of maps, limited characters, and a base set of weapons. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.Nearly a year ago, a little Korean gaming company called Nexon created a new FPS game with one intent: make it awesome, and free.


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    Combat arms player search